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Small Changes Equal Big Weight Loss

When you’re trying to lose weight, nothing beats putting on a pair of baggy jeans that used to be tight.

It’s undeniable progress when your pants beg for a belt.

But what do you do when you hit a plateau? The scale says you’ve lost 50 pounds but then it won’t budge for months. Maybe even years.

Just when you get the hang of weight loss, you don’t know why it isn’t working anymore.

It happens to a lot of people at the gym where I teach. It’s happened to me.

Sometimes it’s a matter of changing your routine. Your body gets used to one type of exercise. You switch to something else or work with a personal trainer and the scale starts to move again.

Many times, it’s what you’re eating.

If you’ve never taken a close look at your diet, this is the likely culprit.

Small changes can make a big difference, too.

To lose a pound, you have to burn 3,500 calories. You can help reach those numbers by eliminating certain foods from your diet.

For example, if you drink a 12 ounce can of soda every day, that’s about 1,085 calories per week. If you swap your soda for water, you’ll deduct 56,420 calories over the course of the year – and potentially 16 pounds!

If you don’t know where your diet is going wrong, consult a Registered Dietician. Their knowledge of foods and nutrition is invaluable.

Alice Warchol is a fitness instructor and freelance health writer.