Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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Physical Therapy Boosts Patient Recovery

Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, athlete, athletic injury, sports injury, football injury, football training, torn muscle, tendonitis, sports injury, sports performance specialist, sports performance coach, personal training, athletic training, physical therapist, physical therapy, sports medicine, osteopathic therapy, sports medicine specialist, injury clinic, injury preventionMany older patients seeking physical therapy services are recovering from joint surgery, foot and ankle injuries or bad falls. For these clients, recovery from aches and pains can be slow and difficult – that’s where physical therapy can make a difference.

Trained physical therapists will ask patients about their activity level before their injury and then develop a personalized care program to help them regain their active lifestyle. Oftentimes one of the greatest challenge for those patients who were inactive before their surgery or injury, is a depressed or hopeless mindset that recovery will be impossible. Therapists can help condition their thinking and their bodies for an optimized rehabilitation. The reality is that the recovery process can be long and frustrating, but with the right team of experts,  most anyone can regain their independence and activity.

For those patients who are planning on going into a surgery, physical therapy before the procedure can help ensure that they receive better outcomes and faster recovery times. For instance, many orthopaedic surgeons recommend their joint replacement patients strengthen the muscles surrounding problem joints prior to surgery. These stronger muscles make it easier for individuals to move around in the critical time following surgery, when it is necessary to start walking and exercising the joint. Building supportive muscle also provides better stabilization for the joint for less pain and better mobility.

Research from the American Heart Association shows that a sedentary lifestyle puts people at increased risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight problems and depression. Physical therapy combats these conditions by strengthening patients progressively with supervised exercise and innovative programs, like aquatic therapy.

Physical therapists know that reclaiming what’s been lost is hard work. Experts in providing physical therapy, Bon Secours In Motion offers a variety of  leading edge programs for patients in recovery.

Source: “Healthy Attitude is the Best Medicine” TimesRecord News