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Health and Wellness

Bunion Splints

March 3th, 2011

Last night at the Bon Secours for Women “Bones, Moans & Groans” seminar, a few attendees asked for a brief post on bunion splints to go up on our blog. Well- ask and you shall receive! For those of you who did not attend the March orthopaedic seminar, a bunion splint is a device that […]READ MORE

Bon Secours Colon Cancer 5k: Don’t Get Left Behind!

March 3th, 2011

A Tradition Begins — Bon Secours Colon Cancer 5K Please join us for our fun-filled first ever Bon Secours Colon Cancer 5K run and walk in honor of National Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Beginning at the Bon Secours Health Center at Harbour View, this 5K race and walk will begin and end at the health […]READ MORE

Non-Surgical Ways to a Pain Free Life

March 3th, 2011

Bon Secours In Motion and Physical Therapy is offering some hope for those suffering from joint pain caused by over-use or injury. When it comes to the non-surgical treatment of musculo-skeletal ailments whether chronic or acute for all ages, Bon Secours In Motion has new technologies, holistic approaches, and innovative programs to help you recover […]READ MORE

Avoiding Sports Related Injuries

March 3th, 2011

As winter starts to wind down (fingers crossed this is the last cold snap of the season!) and Spring sports and activities start picking up it’s important to take preventative measures to protect your body from injury. Here are some ways you can greatly reduce your chances of getting hurt while still playing the games […]READ MORE

Cardiovascular Exercise : A Beginner’s Guide

February 2th, 2011

We all know that it’s important to exercise, but figuring out how to workout safely and effectively can be daunting. In a “Health Headlines” interview with Wavy TV, Aaron Eppler, a trainer with Bon Secours In Motion in Chesapeake, discusses the importance of cardiovascular exercise and how to safely start up a cardiovascular exercise routine. […]READ MORE

Shoulders, Knees & Sports

February 2rd, 2011

Our shoulders and knees experience natural degeneration as they age, and sports can compound the process. Ernesto Luciano-Perez, MD, sports medicine and orthopedic surgeon at Bon Secours Maryview, discusses shoulder and knee health. How does age affect shoulders and knees? The most prevalent injury in shoulders occurs in the rotator cuff. The degenerative process translates […]READ MORE

Shoulders, Knees & Sports

February 2rd, 2011

Our shoulders and knees experience natural degeneration as they age, and sports can compound the process. Ernesto Luciano-Perez, MD, sports medicine and orthopedic surgeon at Bon Secours Maryview, discusses shoulder and knee health. How does age affect shoulders and knees? The most prevalent injury in shoulders occurs in the rotator cuff. The degenerative process translates […]READ MORE

Muscle Soreness

February 2nd, 2011

What causes muscle soreness following exercise? Muscle soreness is caused when the body is working to adapt to exertion—it’s how you get stronger! Most exercise physiologists believe it is due to microscopic tearing and swelling of the muscle fibers. More tearing = more soreness. This typically occurs after starting a new exercise program or when […]READ MORE

Healthier Diets… Starting with the Juice Box

February 2th, 2011

Over 65 percent of adults over the age of 20 years are either overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention. Registered dietitian Jackie Browning, with the Bon Secours Weight Loss Institute, is taking steps to help reverse this statistic – by teaching healthy habits to children. Browning, along with […]READ MORE

Bones, Moans & Groans : A Lecture Series for Women

January 1th, 2011

With the New Year come New Year’s resolutions… If you – or someone you know – made a resolution to get back into health, or take care of this nagging little pain here or there, Bon Secours is there to answer the call. Many programs are kicking off again this month, including our Bon Secours […]READ MORE