Health and Wellness
Prioritize Your Organic Purchases
I love having organic vegetables in my backyard. It’s so much easier to shop 30 feet from my back door than in the crowded grocery store. And after a few seasons, it’s probably less expensive, too. But if you can’t grow your own vegetables, you may find the following list of fruits and veggies helpful […]READ MORE
Stretch! Avoid Running Injuries By Staying Loose
Running is a high-impact activity- one that regularly results in preventable injuries. In order to avoid the worst of shin splints and knee injuries it is important to stretch properly before and after every running workout. Rick Platt, president of the Colonial Road Runners, offered up some stretching advice for avid runners in The Health […]READ MORE
Top 10 Super Foods: #4 Fiber
The recommended dietary fiber per day for men is 30-35 grams and for women 20-25 grams per day. Fiber is a dieter’s friend in that it will fill you up without filling you out. Fiber is easy to get if you are including fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. One apple and one […]READ MORE
Suffering from Shin Splints?
Well, it’s that time of year again! The sun is warm and the runners are coming out in droves! Did you start out a little too eager and now you are having pain? It is estimated that shin splints account for 10—15% of all running injuries and 60% of all conditions that cause pain in […]READ MORE
Read the Fine Print
Losing weight and eating healthy isn’t just about making the right choices consistently. Apparently, it’s also about not getting fooled by marketing strategies. You might have no intention of drinking a sugary milkshake, but would you consider buying a smoothie? How about soda pop? Do you think a sports drink is healthier? A new study […]READ MORE
Experts In Motion- Meet Lauren Barkan!
Lauren Barkan, MS, RD, has officially worked for In Motion for one month! She is our newest Registered Dietitian (one of three) and she completed both her undergraduate degree and graduate degree at Virginia Tech. Her specialties are weight loss, diabetes and Sports Performance Nutrition. Lauren has begun seeing patients and clients at our Chesapeake location. On her down time, Lauren plays […]READ MORE
Suffering from Morton’s Neuroma? Therapy can help!
Morton’s neuroma is a swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot. When your toes are squeezed together too often and for too long, the nerve that runs between your toes can swell and get thicker. This swelling can make it painful when you walk on that foot. High-heeled, tight, or narrow shoes […]READ MORE
Hungry for Truth about Cravings
I think we all have a food weakness, or maybe two. Mine are french fries. I’ve loved them since I was a kid. Hot, greasy and salty. Totally satisfying to my taste buds. If they weren’t so unhealthy – it takes me about an hour of intense exercise to burn off one large serving – I’d […]READ MORE
Top 10 Super Foods: #3 Protein
You lose 8-10% of your muscle every 10 years after you turn 40. Protein is used in the building and repair of muscle. Good sources of protein are: lean meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, beans, legumes, tofu, nuts and peanut butter. One tip for getting your fruit servings in with your protein is to mix […]READ MORE
Dealing with Dysphagia
Difficulty swallowing is also called dysphagia. It is usually a sign of a problem with your throat or esophagus—the muscular tube that moves food and liquids from the back of your mouth to your stomach. Although dysphagia can happen to anyone, it is most common in older adults, premature babies, and people with problems of […]READ MORE