Health and Wellness
Take Two Minutes to Ease Your Office Neck Pain
Working in an office can be hard on your neck and back muscles. Office chairs, computer screens, and desks are not always designed with optimum workplace ergonomics in mind. Luckily, Danish researchers have found that a simple two minute exercise program (performed at your desk over the course of 10 weeks) can significantly lower neck […]READ MORE
Menu-Listed Calories – Don’t Count on It
If you’re trying to lose weight, chances are someone has advised you to avoid eating out at restaurants. It’s easy to pile on the calories at the salad bar. And you don’t really want to know how much salt goes into your favorite entree. To help customers watching their waistline, restaurant owners will sometimes list […]READ MORE
Hampton Roads Weighs In: Will You Tip the Scales?
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), two out of three Americans are obese or overweight. If the current trajectory continues, one in two adults will be obese by 2030. “Research shows obese people receive less income than people maintaining a healthy weight,” said Gregory Adams, MD. “Obesity results in lost workdays, lower productivity […]READ MORE
Top 10 Super Food: #9 Vegetables
A diet rich in vegetables helps reduce your risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, and obesity. One method for increasing your vegetable intake is adding a salad to each meal or eating a salad as a main dish (with a 3-4 ounce protein source). Adding vegetables to your diet will also help you meet your […]READ MORE
Bon Secours In Motion Sports Performance Summer Speed Camp
Still looking for the perfect training camp this summer? Want to focus on improving your athletic performance in time for the Fall season? Bon Secours In Motion Sports Performance is now offering three separate months of summer speed and agility camps!READ MORE
Why Diet Drinks May Be Making You Fatter
Making the switch from full-flavored, full-sugar drinks is supposed to help you lose weight, but researchers are claiming the opposite is true. A ten-year study of almost 500 American men and women linked low-calorie soft drinks with dramatic weight gain – almost five times the average rate – even when the beverages were consumed in […]READ MORE
Weight Loss Study: Use a Big Fork
Here’s a diet tip that’s likely to stick – use a bigger fork when you eat. You just might eat less. That’s what researchers determined when they gave two sizes of forks to people eating at a popular Italian restaurant somewhere in the Southwest. Those who ate with the bigger forks left a lot more […]READ MORE
Weight Loss Study: Use a Big Fork
Here’s a diet tip that’s likely to stick: Use a bigger fork when you eat. You just might eat less. That’s what researchers determined when they gave two sizes of forks to people eating at a popular Italian restaurant somewhere in the Southwest. Those who ate with the bigger forks left a lot more food […]READ MORE
Should gym teachers be held accountable for unhealthy children?
Gym teachers are feeling the pressure as childhood obesity increases across the nation. Virginia Beach School Board Chairman, Dan Edwards, and others on the School Board have said they “eventually want gym teachers to be held responsible if out-of-shape children don’t show improvement.” These PE educators already administer a series of physical fitness tests on […]READ MORE
Chronic Pain Affects Millions of Americans
Whether you suffer from chronic pain due to cancer or an aggravated back injury, you are not alone. Chronic pain affects about 116 million Americans and, according to a new report from the Institute of Medicine, written at the request of the Department of Health and Human Services, constitutes a national health crisis. Despite the […]READ MORE