Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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Free Athletic Injury Screenings

September 9th, 2011

Studies show that playing on an injury can have disastrous results, for instance untreated knee pain or strained muscles can lead to joint issues and torn ligaments. While many athletes often accept aches and pains as part of their training regimen continuing to train despite persistent pain can result in serious injury. Athletes should never […]READ MORE

3 Tips to Avoid Lower Back Pain at Your Desk

September 9th, 2011

One of the most common ailments physical therapists hear about is lower back pain. There can be a variety of causes of lower back pain, including a traumatic injury or improper lifting technique. However, the most common cause of lower back pain has to do with inactivity. For many Americans, an office job sitting at […]READ MORE

Dumping Old Clothes and Body Image Issues, Too

September 9rd, 2011

One of the best feelings when you’re losing weight is when you pull on a pair of jeans that used to be tight and they fall right off of you. Maybe you wear them with a belt. But when they get so big that even a belt won’t do, it’s time to give them away. […]READ MORE

Making Room in Your Closet for a Smaller You

September 9rd, 2011

One of the best feelings when you’re losing weight is when you pull on a pair of jeans that used to be tight and they fall right off your hips. Maybe you try to wear them with a belt. But when they get so big that even a belt won’t work, it’s time to donate […]READ MORE

Treating Joint Pain Without Medication

September 9rd, 2011

For the millions of Americans who suffer from musculoskeletal pain, physical therapy can have a long term effect on alleviating discomfort and restoring movement. Visiting a physical therapist for conditions like low back pain, tendonitis, bursitis, degenerative joint disease, osteoporosis, and arthritis can, in some cases, be as effective as prescription pain medication. For those […]READ MORE

The Biggest Loser Still Draws Viewers

September 9nd, 2011

Did you watch The Biggest Loser this week? It’s back again – for its 12th season. You have to wonder why this show is still compelling. It’s pretty much the same each season. People struggling with obesity exercise for hours on end, learn how to carefully choose nutritious foods and portions and ultimately lose a […]READ MORE

March Into In Motion Boot Camp!

September 9nd, 2011

Trying to lose a few extra pounds? Want to gain strength, speed, or endurance? Looking for a challenge? Sign-up for our Boot Camp! Every Saturday morning, our trainers will put you through a full-body workout to help you reach your fitness goals. The program will help you: Improve strength through resistance training with a variety […]READ MORE

Preventing, Managing, and Rehabilitating Concussions

September 9st, 2011

Every year over 1 million athletes are treated for traumatic brain injury. Athletes who play contact sports are especially at risk for these injuries, as are those ages 5-18, who account for 65 percent of all brain injuries in the emergency room. Sometimes, concussions can be difficult to diagnose. Some symptoms may appear right away, […]READ MORE

Vacation Pounds: Why You Shouldn't Worry

September 9th, 2011

Have you ever come back from vacation with more than just some great memories? Maybe the jeans you wore on the plane at the beginning of your trip were just too tight for the flight home. Are you worried? You shouldn’t be. Gaining a few pounds on vacation happens to most people. Taken out of […]READ MORE

Happy Feet: 8 Tips for Happier Feet

September 9th, 2011

When it comes to shoes, men and women are both guilty of picking kicks that are hard on their feet and their overall wellness. If you’re struggling with foot, toe, heel, or knee pain, the root cause may be right under your nose – or rather, your toes. Here are 8 tips for footwear that […]READ MORE