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Which is better – cardio or strength training?

January 1th, 2012

We suspect that the root of this question is a lack of clarity about what differentiates these two groups of exercises. We’ve broken them down below: Cardio Training According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular exercise includes any aerobic exercise that increases you heart rate and “involves the steady and repetitive movement” of your upper […]READ MORE

Reasons for Stretching

January 1th, 2012

January is the season when so many millions of Americans resolve to start exercising more, being more active, and making healthier choices. While many of us worry about the cold weather, few worry about the implications of not stretching before starting an activity. Many people report feeling physically stiff during the winter, and with stiffness […]READ MORE

Are potatoes bad for weight management?

January 1rd, 2012

We recently encountered a question from a weight loss client, who was wondering if potatoes were “healthy” or if they should be removed from her diet. Potatoes are not always a diet disaster. One large potato has about 280 calories and 63 grams of carbohydrates. The most important thing about potatoes is the manner in […]READ MORE

Need a Workout Buddy? Ask Fido

January 1th, 2012

Nothing makes exercise more fun than a workout partner. Some of the best ones wag their tails. Walking the dog is one of the simplest ways to fit a little more exercise into your day. If your dog can handle it, a brisk 30-minute walk, five times a day, can help you meet the national guideline […]READ MORE

How Much Bike Riding Is Beneficial To My Health?

January 1th, 2012

We’re consulting with our fitness, nutrition, and weight loss experts to get the correct answers to your most frequently asked questions! Jacqueline Browning is a registered dietitian who works closely with the Medically-Supervised Weight Loss Program at the Bon Secours Weight Loss Institute. In this installment, Jackie answers a question about how much bike riding […]READ MORE

Paula Deen's Diabetes Diagnosis Can Help Others

January 1th, 2012

Whether you like celebrity chef Paula Deen or not, she sure has Americans talking about nutrition. And I think that’s fabulous. It’s sweeter than her recipe for chocolate cheese fudge, which calls for one-half pound of Velveeta cheese and one cup of butter. In case you haven’t heard, Mrs. Deen was diagnosed with type 2 […]READ MORE

Running Outdoors? Leave Your iPod Home

January 1th, 2012

So long, Black Eyed Peas. Goodbye Pitbull. I have to leave you and my iPod home when I go on my next run around the neighborhood. You’re just not good for me. I’ve always known subconsciously that running around the streets in my subdivision with the music turned up as loud as comfortably possible, is not the […]READ MORE

Knee Pain Sufferers Should Consider Acupuncture

January 1th, 2012

Knee pain is a common complaint in physical therapy clinics and doctor’s offices. Those who suffer from an aggravated sports injury or a condition like arthritis can experience debilitating and motion-limiting pain – regardless of age. There are a variety of treatment options available to knee pain sufferers, including medication, physical therapy, and, in some […]READ MORE

Taking the First Steps to Lifelong Weight Loss

January 1th, 2012

January is a time for resolutions and new leafs – but how can you carry the momentum from January 1st through December 31st? Our nutrition and weight loss experts say that most dieters make the mistake of crash dieting or setting unrealistic goals for themselves through the year. Instead of cutting out all your favorite […]READ MORE

Bon Secours Harbour View Named Best of Suffolk

January 1th, 2012

The Bon Secours Health Center at Harbour View, which is home to our Harbour View In Motion clinic, has been selected for the 2011 “Best of Suffolk” Award in the Medical / Hospitals category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). This award recognizes outstanding, local businesses that have served as a positive image of small […]READ MORE