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Strengthen a Sore Lower Back for Pain Relief

February 2nd, 2012

Back pain sufferers are often wary of exercising their back muscles for fear of exacerbating or worsening an injury. However, for some lower back pain sufferers, regular stretching and exercise, under the guidance of a professional, can relieve pain and improve range of motion, with patience, time and effort. Treating and strengthening sore back muscles […]READ MORE

Rethink Your Eating to Spur Weight-Loss

February 2th, 2012

It’s that time of year I dread as a fitness instructor. The mid-part of February when so many people give up going to the gym. I think I know what happens. Or really, what doesn’t happen: instant weight-loss. If you joined the gym this January and have been exercising regularly, I have to ask you […]READ MORE

Concussions and the Future of Youth Football

February 2th, 2012

With research showing that developing brains are more susceptible to injury, some experts are calling for the end of youth football programs and contact sports to help avoid traumatic consequences. A recent article published by The Post Game on the fate of youth football in America states: “According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, […]READ MORE

Restaurant Calories: Do the Math Yourself

February 2th, 2012

Many restaurant patrons whip out their calculators to figure out how much tip to leave their waiter. Now, it appears calculators are needed before ordering if diners really want to how many calories they’re about to eat. Menus might list how many calories an entree contains but they don’t always break it down to individual […]READ MORE

Should I Exercise If I Have a Cold?

February 2th, 2012

You wake up in the morning with a runny nose and a sore throat. Should you keep your workout plans or draw the line and stay home? As a general rule, mild to moderate physical activity won’t hurt you if you have a normal cold with no fever. In fact, exercise can help alleviate cold […]READ MORE

In Motion Facebook Page Reaches 1,000 Fans!

February 2th, 2012

Yesterday the Bon Secours In Motion Facebook page reached 1,000 fans. We are thrilled! As such, we’d like to thank everyone for their support, kind words, and following; our Facebook page thrives with your engagement. We hope this year we can continue sharing our physical therapy and sports performance tips and services with an even […]READ MORE

A Powerful Treatment for a Running Injury

February 2th, 2012

Often the aim of treatment of a running injury is to decrease the symptoms with medication and palliative therapeutic intervention. A brief internet search for treatment of running injuries will reveal a plethora of options. These include heat/cold modalities, electrotherapeutic modalities, ultrasound modalities, stretching and strengthening exercises, exercise equipment, massage, yoga, palliates, food supplements, magnets, […]READ MORE

Faulty Causation Reasoning – Correlation Does Not Imply Causation

February 2th, 2012

The Declaration of Independence states “We hold these truths to be self evident”. Most will agree it is self evident that finding solutions to problems starts with identifying the cause. As a clinician I believe identifying the cause of a repetitive use injury is a potent way to address the problem. I spend a great […]READ MORE

Think About Your Heart Health This Valentine's Day

February 2th, 2012

Candy hearts aren’t the only hearts you need to worry about in February. Working out as a couple offers an endless variety of heart healthy benefits, but it can strengthen your relationship even as it improves your cardiovascular fitness. Research suggests that dieting and exercising as a couple (or with a buddy) is easier than […]READ MORE

How Massage Works to Relieve Stress and Heal Pain

February 2th, 2012

Researchers at McMaster University in Canada are shedding light into how deep touch works to ease pain and promote healing in sore muscles. A small study of 11 young men measured the effectiveness of massage in treating inflammation in muscles and boosting athletic recovery. The men rode stationary bikes to the point of physical exhaustion. […]READ MORE