Health and Wellness
Get Shamrockin' with In Motion!
The 2012 Yuengling Shamrock Marathon, Anthem Half Marathon, TowneBank 8K and Operation Smile Final Mile are only days away! As a leading sponsor of the race, Bon Secours In Motion volunteers and staff will be out and about before, during and after the race! Dr. Ernesto Luciano-Perez, a sports medicine specialist with our partners at […]READ MORE
5 Tips for Runners
Weather is warming up here in Hampton Roads! With races like the Shamrock Marathon (8k and mile) on the horizon, we’re starting to see more and more runners back out on the pavement. If you’re getting back into a routine after a couple months off – or starting to pick your mileage back up – […]READ MORE
Join Us in Welcoming Amy Neville to the Team!
Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy would like to welcome Amy Neville, PT, FAAOMPT, to the team at our Norfolk location at the Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center! Amy earned her Bachelors of Science in Biology from the College of Charleston in 1994 and earned her Physical Therapy Degree from The Medical University of South Carolina […]READ MORE
Vote In Motion Best of Hampton Roads!
For more than six years Bon Secours In Motion and Physical Therapy has been committed to helping the residents of Hampton Roads live their most active lives. From state-of-the-art physical therapy programs undertaken to help regain motion after an injury to sports performance training designed to shave milliseconds off of a swim lap, our outstanding […]READ MORE
Eating for Your Workout
What you eat before exercising is important; it needs to supply you with enough energy to perform well throughout your entire game or gym session. A good workout snack or meal before exercise is carbohydrate-rich with small amounts of protein. The carbs will help boost muscle stores and fuel your performance. Small amounts of protein […]READ MORE
Eye Health: What Everyone with Diabetes Should Know
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you may be more susceptible to eye problems. Thankfully, there are steps patients can take to reduce and avoid these health issues. The American Diabetes Association urges anyone with diabetes to keep their blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial showed […]READ MORE
Changing Behavior to Lose Weight
When you sit back and really consider what it’s going to take to lose weight, you’ll realize it’s about changing your behavior. I like to frame it that way because it bypasses all the excuses and reasons people give for why they do not exercise regularly or eat healthy foods. A friend of mine recently […]READ MORE
Falls Pose a Big Health Threat
In the United States, 65% of adults over that age of 65 will experience at least one fall annually. According to the CDC, unintentional falls are the primary cause of nonfatal injuries treated in emergency rooms – with an older adult treated every 17 seconds in the ER for a fall. To restore balance and […]READ MORE
Study: Diabetes Increases Risk for Stroke
Sometimes losing weight and quitting bad habits takes a wake-up call. Today could be that moment for millions of people. When they turn on their cable tonight or check in with Facebook, they may hear or read a story about how diabetes increases your risk for stroke. At first glance, this announcement will not come […]READ MORE
Combination of Cognitive Therapy and Physical Training Improves Outcomes for Stroke Patients
After having a stroke, many patients struggle with chronic fatigue for the months and years after recovery. Now researchers are saying that a combination of therapy and exercise training may help people who suffer lingering fatigue after a stroke get back to their normal activities. For the study, a team at Radboud University Nijmegen in […]READ MORE