Health and Wellness
Keyboard Feet Stand In the Way of Better Typing Ergonomics
We’ve all seen those little feet that extend out of our keyboards, but did you ever know what they’re for? According to the keyboard maker BakkerElkhuizen, those feet are to improve visibility of the keys, not to lessen the load on your over-worked hands and wrists: “First of all, it is important to distinguish between […]READ MORE
Five Challenging Exercises You Can Do Barefoot at the Beach
Five easy (okay, we lied)… Five CHALLENGING exercises you can do barefoot at the beach! Sand Sprints: Pick two landmarks that you can run between. These runs should take you 12-30 seconds. Repeat 5 times with a 10 second rest in between each. Barefoot running in the sand is difficult-focus on not striking with your […]READ MORE
Is Hip Arthroscopy the Answer to Your Hip Pain?
Hip arthroscopy is a modern minimally invasive surgical technique that can be used to treat various conditions affecting the hip joint. It has revolutionized our ability to diagnose and treat painful conditions of the hip that affect young active individuals and athletes. Often the pain results from an injury or overuse during athletic activity, and […]READ MORE
New Research Suggests Concussions Should Keep Kids on the Bench for a Full Year
Head injuries are a big problem for young athletes, who may be more vulnerable for up to a year after having a concussion, according to new research in the journal Pediatrics. That means students and their parents may have to think hard about when it’s safe to return to play. When faced with the choice […]READ MORE
Shoulder Pain: When Should You See a Specialist?
Shoulder pain can be a disabling condition affecting individuals of all walks of life, and limiting their ability to perform many normal daily activities. In many instances it is caused by an injury or an overuse event that leads to localize tissue injury an inflammation. Conservative treatment, including rest, physical therapy and oral medication has […]READ MORE
Massage Therapy Helps Ease a Variety of Chronic Health Issues
Instead of suffering from chronic conditions like frozen shoulder syndrome and migraines, some Hampton Roads residents have found another source of relief: massage. A trip to the massage therapist once or twice a month can help ease headaches and promote blood flow for better healing of aches and pains. While many people still enjoy massage […]READ MORE
Grilled Fruits and Vegetables Add Color, Nutrition and Flavor to Summer Dishes
Summer is a great time to fire up the grill. But, as all grill masters know, it’s not all about the meat! Spice up any cookout by adding fruits and vegetables to the menu – and the grill! Fruits and vegetables serve up a variety of vitamins and nutrients. Here are four ways to incorporate […]READ MORE
When Rehab Fails Minimally Invasive Tennis Elbow Surgery Preferred Over Traditional Surgical Approach
Tennis elbow is a common condition that affects individuals from different walks of life. You don’t have to be a tennis player to suffer from persistent and intractable pain on the outside of the elbow – in fact, normal activities of daily living like keyboarding and swinging a hammer can lead to elbow pain. (Of […]READ MORE
“Head Strong”
Check out “Head Strong”, an article published in the June 2013 issue of Richmond Family Magazine discussing the importance of taking concussions seriously. Bon Secours Athletic Trainer, Shanae Norman is featured with her advice from an athletic trainer’s perspective.READ MORE
Relieve tension. Enhance athletic performance. Reduce pain. Massage therapy has become an important part of general health care for many people living with the stresses of modern life. We are now offering massage therapy at both locations. CLICK HERE for pricing, more details, and how to schedule your first massage. Individual massages, as well as […]READ MORE