Health and Wellness
Sports Injury Risk for Kids Increases When Free Play Decreases
Go outside and play! That’s what a lot of parents may want to tell their children – especially if they spend several hours playing organized sports. A new study found that athletes between the ages of 8 and 18 are more likely to be injured if they spend twice as many hours per week in […]READ MORE
Recreational Physical Activity May Help Protect Against High Blood Pressure
When you head home from work, do you stop at the gym first? How about on your days off? Do you find yourself working up a good sweat in your free time? If you spend more than four hours per week exercising during your “leisure time,” chances are you’re lowering your risk of high blood […]READ MORE
Make Nutrition Therapy Part of Your Diabetes Treatment Plan
Like millions of Americans nationwide, actor Tom Hanks may be taking a hard look at his diet this month. The 57-year-old actor, renowned for his role in movies such as Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The actor has long struggled with having high blood sugar levels, according […]READ MORE
Coming soon!
The Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center opened earlier this year on July 24th. We will be starting patient care next week, on October 10th.READ MORE
Volunteers Needed for the Richmond Sprint Triathlon
Volunteers are needed for the Richmond Sprint Triathlon presented by Bon Secours Physical Therapy and Sports Performance this Sunday, October 6th! Help with registration, body marking, water stops, timing, course marshals, and more. Get a free t-shirt and a free breakfast while you have fun, make friends, and help others. Sign up online […]READ MORE
Don't Rake Up An Injury this Fall
Ah, fall. Cooler temperatures, colorful leaves and a long afternoon spent raking in the yard. Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, it can also mean a trip to the doctor or physical therapist. Indeed, more than 38,000 Americans were injured while raking in 2012, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. It’s not hard to […]READ MORE
Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Help You Live Longer and Healthier, Study Shows
By the time most of us leave work every day, nobody feels like running to the store and making a meal from scratch. Don’t even mention stopping along the way to sweat out some calories at the gym first. Sadly, relaxing usually means sitting in front of the TV – not unrolling a yoga mat. […]READ MORE
Healthy Diet Helps Diabetic Patients Avoid Chronic Kidney Disease
Eating a healthy diet and drinking no more than moderate amounts of alcohol may help people with type 2 diabetes avoid chronic kidney disease, according to a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine. Type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease are major public health problems, according to a news release from the JAMA Network Journals. […]READ MORE
Athletes May Not Recognize Concussion Symptoms, Study Shows
Health care providers should be cautious about allowing athletes to return to play based solely on self-reported symptoms. In fact, testing an athlete’s memory and thinking skills with a tool such as the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing system can help detect whether an athlete is ready to head back into the game, according […]READ MORE
Help Prevent Childhood Obesity: Fill Up a Water Bottle
Move over sports drink. That goes for you, too, “juice” box. Many parents are rethinking what they pack in their preschooler’s lunch box thanks to new research on childhood obesity. Researchers say 4- and 5-year-olds who drink one or more sugar-sweetened beverages every day are more likely to be overweight and obese, according to a […]READ MORE