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Boost Memory – Not Just Muscles – With Weight Lifting

Diet, cardio and weights equal weight lossAccording to a new study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, elderly women may get an extra boost from weight training – in their memories.

For the study researchers evaluated 77 women aged 70-80 who had been diagnosed with “probably” mild cognitive impairment then assigned the women to either a strength-training, walking, or basic balance class. The evidence was significant among the strength-training group, which demonstrated cognitive improvements when compared to the walking and toning groups. Researchers were able to find changes in areas of the brain associated with cognitive behavior.

Study co-author Teresa Liu-Ambrose, a professor at the University of British Columbia’s Center for Hip Health and Mobility and the Brain Research Center, speculates that lifting weights requires more cognitive involvement than walking, which may account for the improved mental functioning among that research group.

One thing is still for certain; physical activity is good for people of all ages and fitness levels. So get up and get active!

Need help getting started on a fitness program? Contact an expert at In Motion; we have sports performance clinics throughout Hampton Roads, including locations in Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, and Hampton!