Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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Avoid Chronic Conditions With Physical Activity

Millions of Americans lead a sedentary lifestyle with no or irregular physical activity. Scientific research clearly indicates that Americans are more sedentary than ever before. There are multiple causes including increased use of television, computers, and electronic devices, fewer gym classes, less sports and outdoor play for kids. Poor diet and limited exercise also contribute to obesity, which in turn worsens inactivity.

Physical inactivity has been scientifically linked to increased risk for many health problems including:

  • Obesity
  • Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other conditions
  • Accelerating the aging process
  • Muscle loss, poor mobility, and disability, particularly in old age
  • Mental health issues including depression and stress

The only way to prevent inactivity is to get active. There are many options for increasing your level of activity. Here are just a few:

  • Walk whenever possible; take the stairs and start a walking program.
  • Take an exercise, martial art, or dance class.
  • Join a gym and go.
  • Sign up for a local sports league.
  • Get and use exercise equipment for your home.

Remember to move your body every day; your life may depend on it!