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The Real Weight of a Pound

We all hop on the scale and gauge our weight-loss success by how many pounds we’ve lost.treadmill bon secours

But what does it really take to lose a pound of fat?

Scientists have figured out that it requires burning 3,500 calories. Not so easy when you calculate how many calories you expend walking on the treadmill.

It takes several sweaty workouts – hours really – to come up with that many calories.

That’s where diet plays an integral role. If you limit your calorie intake daily, you’ll hit that 3,500 calorie mark a lot sooner.

So what could you cut out?

High calorie food with little nutritional value.

Let’s say you eat a large order of french fries once a week at McDonald’s. According to the fast-food giant, that’s about 500 calories.

If you give up that habit, you’ll lose about a pound in seven weeks provided you don’t change your eating habits the rest of the time. Add a few workouts to the mix and you’ll drop that pound even faster.

Stop eating the cheeseburger and soft drink you used to order with your fries and you’ll really see results!

Counting calories does work for some people. But most important is that you eat a balanced diet.

Ask the nutritionists at Bon Secours for guidance.