Weekend Weight Gain and How To Lose It
How often have you weighed yourself on Monday morning only to realize the weight you thought you lost earlier in the week was back on the scale?
Every one who is on a weight loss plan has experienced the dreaded weekend effect. For some reason we tend to gain more extra pounds in those two days than we can lose in the following five. How does that happen?
According to our experts, you may be packing on the pounds without even noticing it. In a recent study, the Washington University School of Medicine found that dieters consistently gained weight on the weekend because they were eating more. An extra glass of wine and a handful of potato chips may seem like a special reward for healthy weekday habits – when, in reality, it’s sabotaging healthy habits and creating weight loss barriers. On weekends, we’re also much more likely to eat out at restaurants, where portions can be sufficient for two or three meals.
This weekend instead of denying yourself a treat, try to add a little more exercise. Take a walk or get active instead of just lounging on the couch. If you’re worried about your weight, you may want to start writing down what you eat, especially on weekends, to help you stick to your diet.
Source: Why Weekend Weight Gain Happens