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The Top Three Training Mistakes

Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, athlete, athletic injury, sports injury, football injury, football training, torn muscle, tendonitis, sports injury, sports performance specialist, sports performance coach, personal training, athletic training, physical therapist, physical therapy, sports medicine, osteopathic therapy, sports medicine specialist, injury clinic, injury preventionIn order to perform well, you need to train well. Here are the top three training myths to avoid if you want to stay fit and healthy:

  • Myth #1: Breaks Hurt Your Training.
    Athletes should view rest and recovery as an integral part of their training regimen. This doesn’t mean that you have to take off a week – just that you should consider using cross training (for instance: if you’re a runner, spend some time on the elliptical or a bike a couple times a week). These alternative workouts give your muscles a break and allow you to rest while also building important muscle groups.
  • Myth #2: Push Through the Pain.
    Most high-level athletes know how to handle pain – but do you know how to gauge what level of pain is normal and what warrants concern? If you experience sharp pain, pain that keeps you up at night, pain that worsens when you exercise, or recurring pain, you may want to visit a physical therapist, who can help you determine the source of your discomfort.
  • Myth #3: Zone Out to Clear Your Mind.
    Exercise can provide a great deal of stress relief and mental clarity; however, you should always focus on your form during exercise to help avoid injuries. For instance, take note of how your feet are hitting the ground, make sure your knees are landing correctly, and be aware of any compromises to your form that may cause stress or injury.

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