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3 Exercises to Help You Stand Up Straight

If you’re having back pain, your posture may be to blame. A visit to a physical therapist may help diagnose issues with your alignment that are straining or stressing your muscles.

Your therapist will give you a list of exercise to do at home in order to help you regain your stance. However, these three exercises can also help strengthen back muscles that have grown overused and tight:

  1. Shoulder Rolls
    When sitting behind the wheel or at our desks we have a tendency to roll our shoulders forward – squeezing certain areas of the back. To stretch your shoulders move one shoulder forward, upward, and as far as you can backward without moving the rest of your body. Repeat on both sides.
  2. 5-Minute Rests
    We often overlook our neck when it comes to postural misalignment, which is a problem because the head and neck are an important part of spine health. When our eyes get tired we have the tendency to move our heads forward and place additional stress on the neck. The 5-Minute Rest can help with this problem. Lie on your back for five minutes and cover your eyes gently with your hands to block out the light. This will help you to relieve your stressed muscles and improve your improper alignment.
  3. Planks
    In order to support your spine and protect it from injury, you need to have strong back muscles. Planks help build the deep muscles that keep your discs and nerves in alignment. Proper plank technique begins in a push-up position, with straight arms. You want to keep your body as straight as possible from the legs to the neck – without lifting or lowering your butt. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds to strengthen and lengthen your spine.

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