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Take Two Minutes to Ease Your Office Neck Pain

Working in an office can be hard on your neck and back muscles. Office chairs, computer screens, and desks are not always designed with optimum workplace ergonomics in mind.

Luckily, Danish researchers have found that a simple two minute exercise program (performed at your desk over the course of 10 weeks) can significantly lower neck and shoulder pain. According to Lars Anderson, the lead researcher, “the workers did either a 2-minute or a 12-minute resistance exercise using elastic tubing. The exercise was a lateral raise, in which the upper arm is raised until it is horizontal and the arms are 10 to 15 inches from the body.” There was no statistical difference in the pain relief between the two groups.

These results go to show what many healthcare professionals know – even short periods of exercise can help loosen up tight muscles and reduce pain.

Office-induced pain also can be reduced by making sure your workspace is set up properly. There is a whole field of ergonomic experts, and occupational therapists, who specialize in the correct placement of a desk or a computer monitor. For instance, the monitor should be between 18 and 24 inches from the face and the top of the monitor should rest at eye level.

+ Get in touch with our workplace ergnomics experts to ensure your environment is worker-friendly!
+ Suffering from tight muscles or chronic pain? Find a certified physical therapist to help you regain mobility!