Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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Should I "Run Through" My Knee Pain?

For many injuries runners experience, a break from activity is sufficient to help heal strained or swollen tissue. During this time of rest, inflammation within the tissue will be reduced allowing the tissue to repair itself.

While your body is recovering from a slight injury, it’s important to realize that, until full strength is restored, weakened muscles leave a runner more vulnerable to reinjury. Trying to force your body to run again as soon as the swelling or pain subsides can lead to an aggravated injury – or a new one.

Movement can help restore the body as it recovers from an injury. Because every runner is different, you may want to consider being evaluated by a qualified physical therapist to develop an injury prevention or rehab program based on your specific needs. A physical therapist may recommend a running analysis to help determine if your injury is the result of inefficient movement or recommend an exercise plan incorporating new exercises, like aquatic therapy, to help you maintain your fitness and health.

+ Find out about In Motion’s Running program.