March Into In Motion Boot Camp!
Trying to lose a few extra pounds? Want to gain strength, speed, or endurance? Looking for a challenge? Sign-up for our Boot Camp!
Every Saturday morning, our trainers will put you through a full-body workout to help you reach your fitness goals. The program will help you:
- Improve strength through resistance training with a variety of equipment such as sleds, tires, medicine balls, and body weight exercises.
- Build your muscle endurance through circuit training.
- Boost your cardiovascular strength with running and plyometrics.
- Burn more calories by keeping your heart rate up with non-stop action.
- Feel better about yourself throughout the day with regular exercise.
The Boot Camp runs for 10 weeks with classes every Saturday morning (rain or shine) from 8-9 am. The cost is:
$100 for 10 sessions.
$60 for 5 sessions.
$15 pay-as-you-go per session.
For more information or to sign up call Ali Loomis at (757) 673-5971!