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Wallet Neuropathy: What’s Up Your Butt?

Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, family healthMen’s wallets are causing men a lot of pain- and it’s not because they’re empty! Physicians are seeing a huge surge in the number of men who complain of lower back pain and their wallets are the reason why.

Sitting with a full wallet in your back pocket for extended period can twist the spine and compress the nerves in the buttocks and legs. This unnatural posture leads to inflammation, tingling, and lower-back pain. Wallet Neuropathy or “Hip Wallet Syndrome” is a form of sciatic neuropathy. The sciatic nerve runs from the pelvis to the thigh. When it is inflamed, the muscles around the hip suffer which can cause extreme discomfort and pain.

Treatment for this condition seeks to restore mobility and reduce the muscle inflammation. Physical therapists can typically treat the condition by taking the patient through a variety of strengthening exercises or a program like the McKenzie Method.