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Hampton Roads Weighs In: Will You Tip the Scales?

Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, obesity, Hampton Roads obesity rates, lose weight, weight loss, diet and exercise programsAccording to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), two out of three Americans are obese or overweight. If the current trajectory continues, one in two adults will be obese by 2030.

“Research shows obese people receive less income than people maintaining a healthy weight,” said Gregory Adams, MD. “Obesity results in lost workdays, lower productivity and negative health outcomes, including diabetes and depression.”

At the local level, Hampton Roads secured the second lowest obesity rate in Virginia at 25 percent, according to a 2009 Hampton Roads Performance report comparing obesity averages and rates among other state regions. As one of the few non-surgical health and nutrition programs in Virginia, the Bon Secours Weight Loss Institute wants to see that percentage continue to decrease.

There are many key factors that account for Bon Secours Weight Loss Institute’s success. They include education by medical professionals, peer support and a range of surgical and non-surgical options. The multi-disciplinary approach gives access to a team of medical specialists, trainers, dietitians, counselors, support groups, and long-term coordination of care.

According to Dr. Adams, these are not the only components at play. “Never underestimate the value of drive,” Adams said. “We can give you all the tools, but the enthusiasm and effort are up to the individual.”

Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, the cost of obesityThe Cost of Obesity

According to a George Washington University study released September 2010, the annual cost of being obese is $4,879 for a woman and $2,646 for a man. These were tallied by health care costs and wages lost from the salary differences between normal and obese individuals.

+ Get in touch with the experts at the Bon Secours Weight Loss Institute, and learn how you can get on the path to good health today!