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Family Meals Fight Childhood Obesity

If you’re like me, you worry constantly about your kids. It’s part of being a parent. My children don’t have any weight problems. And I’m grateful for that. Because so many children do.

It’s frightening to think about all the kids growing up who need to lose weight. They’re automatically at more risk for all the diseases and conditions we never want to have in our lifetime. Diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancer are associated with extra body fat.

The good news is that childhood obesity is something we can change. And it begins at the kitchen table.

By eating family meals at least three times a week, children and adolescents are less likely to be overweight or to eat unhealthy foods, according to a new study in the journal Pediatrics.

Is this any big surprise?

Probably not. If you’re not eating at home, you’re likely getting take out from the drive thru that’s high in sodium, calories and fat, and low in nutritional value.

But it’s good to know that small changes make big differences.

The researchers found that kids who eat at least three family meals every week enjoy the following benefits:

  • 12 percent reduced odds for being overweight
  • 20 percent drop in odds to eat unhealthy food
  • 35 percent reduced odds to have an eating disorder
  • 24 percent increase in the odds to eat healthy food

Although the study doesn’t focus on parents, I can’t help but mention the nutritional benefits to everyone who chooses to eat fresh and healthy foods at home.

Learn How Nutritional Assessments Help Weight Loss

Alice Warchol is a fitness instructor and freelance health writer.